About Us 2018-08-28T20:20:08+00:00


Close Consulting Group, LLC

Bence Close, BS, MS, PE

We provide environmental engineering and consulting services to clients in various commercial and industrial sectors. Our customers include energy, mining, water resources, and land development companies with project sites throughout the United States. Our areas of expertise include:

  • Project feasibility and due diligence assessments
  • Permitting for energy and mineral development
  • Waste management and disposal
  • Environmental permitting and regulatory compliance
  • Underground Injection Control permitting and well integrity testing
  • Pre-injection water treatment
  • Site investigation and remediation under CERCLA, NEPA and RCRA
  • Environmental site assessments
  • Water resource studies and water supply development
  • Water rights evaluations
  • Stormwater management
  • Land development consulting
  • Infrastructure and facilities engineering
  • Hydrogeochemistry
  • Groundwater modeling and dewatering designs
  • Forensic contaminant hydrogeology and culpability
  • Disturbed land reclamation and stream reconstruction
  • Biological studies and assessments
  • Construction contracting and management
  • Litigation support and expert testimony

Close Consulting Group LLC is backed by over 30 years of environmental consulting experience and a network of teaming arrangements with top experts in their respective fields. We take pride in assembling the best team of experts to tackle a particular environmental challenge. Read more about Bence Close here.

For more information or to discuss an issue we can help you resolve, contact:

Bence V Close PE

Close Consulting Group LLC
P.O. Box 311
Shamrock, TX  79079




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