Groundwater 2017-09-29T02:35:14+00:00


and Geoenvironmental Services

Groundwater and Geoenvironmental Services

A core strength of CCG is in groundwater and geoenvironmental studies. The CCG team has seasoned professionals in groundwater hydrology, hydrogeology, contaminant transport, and geochemistry. We are experienced in solving groundwater issues in a variety of hydrogeologic settings, and working in a wide range of industries. Our strong background in groundwater modeling provides a solid basis for understanding of groundwater movement and interactions, with modeling applications including:

  • Use of saturated and unsaturated flow and solute transport models to design groundwater and vadose zone monitoring systems at landfills
  • Flow characterization and design of groundwater remediation/containment systems at industrial facilities
  • Evaluations of mine hydrology in a variety of geologic settings
  • Design of mine dewatering and depressurization systems
  • Evaluation of probable hydrologic consequences of mining
  • Prediction of mine pit inflow rates and post-mine water levels
  • Determination of monitoring and mitigation requirements at sand & gravel mines
  • Evaluation of the effects of water rights changes and diversions on groundwater conditions and return flows
  • Design of passive treatment systems, including constructed wetlands for metals-laden drainage

Other key experience and applications include:

  • Design and analysis of aquifer pumping tests
  • Monitoring, production, and injection well design and installation
  • Groundwater remediation
  • Groundwater exploration for water supply development
  • Pumping tests and groundwater hydrology investigations to evaluate the feasibility of in-situ uranium mining and to support mine planning and design
  • Aquifer pumping tests to characterize baseline conditions and support operational planning at mine sites
  • Analysis of underground injection targets for sequestration of carbon dioxide and acid gas
  • Evaluation of groundwater and surface water interactions and potential effects on wetlands
  • Assessment of mine water geochemistry
  • Effects of land development on groundwater levels and conditions
  • Drainage control studies
  • Groundwater sampling and analysis
  • Litigation support and expert witness testimony

We welcome the opportunity to discuss ways we can assist in solving your groundwater issues.

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