Mining 2017-09-12T21:02:06+00:00

Mine Site

Permitting, Investigation, Remediation and Closure

Mine Site Permitting, Investigation, Remediation and Closure

The CCG team provides a high level of expertise to the natural resource industries and regulatory agencies. One of our primary specialties is geoenvironmental analyses and studies for the mining industry. The general fields of expertise include: environmental engineering, geochemistry, geology, hydrogeology, and mine site hydrology. Our experience covers all phases and aspects including:

  • Pre-permit feasibility study and due diligence support
  • Permit applications
  • Closure planning
  • Remedial investigations and feasibility studies
  • Remedial designs
  • Closure designs
  • Land reclamation
  • River and riparian enhancement and restoration
  • Natural resource damage assessments
  • Construction management
  • Regulatory support
  • Litigation support and expert witness testimony.

We are experienced working with a wide variety of state and federal regulations and site work includes base and precious metal mines, rock quarries, construction sand and gravel mines, industrial mineral mines, coal mines, in-situ uranium mines, frac sand mines, oil shale mines, and associated processing, storage and transloading facilities.

Acid mine drainage (ARD) and overall mine water quality prediction is a CCG team expertise, with experience ranging from ARD prediction to mitigation and treatment. We have provided these services on high profile projects involving exhaustively reviewed water quality estimations for normal operations, upset events, and closure conditions for ARD, cyanide and other water quality concerns. Water quality evaluations include downstream receiving waters, mine pits, and tailing ponds.

Closed and abandon mine site studies also are an expertise of the CCG team, having conducted these types of studies at numerous sites in the Rocky Mountain West. CCG is highly experienced with inactive mine site investigation and remedial design and implementation, including waste consolidation and capping, tunnel rehabilitation, mine bulkheads, water treatment, stormwater and infiltration controls, and natural stream restoration. The CCG team has also been directly involved with mine closure planning for all stages of mining, including conceptual planning for feasibility studies and permit applications. This expertise also includes closure planning evaluations and closure plan preparation and updates for active mines.

Because the CCG team has extensive expertise on how water moves and interacts with the mine environment, and with extensive experience in mine geochemistry, geology, hydrogeology, and hydrology, we can provide a comprehensive evaluation of a site that incorporates all the key aspects of water movement and contamination. This holistic understanding carries forward into developing cost-effective solutions to mine water quality issues.

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