Natural Resources 2017-09-12T21:03:37+00:00

Natural Resource

Project Development and Permitting

Natural resource project development and permitting

CCG works closely with customers and their legal counsel from concept and due diligence through final permitting to achieve successful and environmentally sound development of natural resources. CCG team experience includes development of base and precious metal mines, coal mines, industrial mineral mines, construction sand and gravel mines, rock quarries, uranium mines, frac sand mines, oil and gas production, water supply projects, and wind energy. We also apply the same services and skill sets to help customers initiate or acquire businesses that support development of natural resources, such as waste management and disposal. Key services include:

  • Due diligence assessments
  • Baseline environmental studies
  • Environmental site assessments for property transactions
  • Feasibility studies
  • Public communications and relations
  • Assessment of long-term waste management approaches and costs
  • Environmental risk assessments
  • Land use permitting
  • Environmental and operational permits
  • Monitoring plans
  • Development of operation and maintenance plans
  • Closure planning

We believe our broad experience and expertise will provide value to your project development and business acquisition team.

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